July 2014
HURRICANE UT-Hurricane attorney Nathan C. Reeve has successfully represented two Plaintiffs in District Court. Reeve argued Plaintiffs had entered into business agreements with Defendant under false circumstances. Defendant did not disclose to Plaintiffs the material fact of his outstanding Order from the Federal Trade Commission before entering into contracts with Plaintiffs.
Under the contract Plaintiff “would have been entitled to 40% of the net receipts” of $350,000 in net receipts which were not paid Plaintiff. Defendant also wrongfully took $47,500 for his own personal use of which the Court deemed $19,000 was due Plaintiff. Breach of contract resulted from Defendants knowing and intentional disregard of Plaintiffs’ rights. The Honorable John Paul Kennedy, judge in the Fifth Judicial District Court stated Defendant’s behavior was “shocking to the Court.”
Defendant unjustly benefited from the unauthorized use of Plaintiffs credit profile for merchant accounts and diverted $51,000 in profits to his private accounts. In addition to compensation of this amount punitive damages of $75,000 were calculated as reasonable and just and awarded to Plaintiff.